P L O T:
-by Kerli, Hatter, and Autius.
Peace; is such a fragile thing, such a gentle and fragile contract. And when power becomes the devil's sweet smell, people will struggle to fight for it. And now, peace seemed to be underneath the Devil's wings as his spy, as his deceit.
World War 3 is on it's way. And the world has only moment to prepare for it.
Russia and America have always had their differences, a now Russia's Anima has decided it is time to take what is rightfully their's. How could someone defeat them, they are so strong and so large. And now, with peace as their cover, they have the perfect time to attack. Raiding countries in Europe is it's first goal, taking over countries like Germany and China, getting allies on his side. And meanwhile, America and it's allies are struggling to keep themselves safe.
It is now a war, countries against countries. Russia has equipped China, Germany, Japan, and other countries across Europe and Asia. America has allied with England, Mexico, Canada, and Brazil. More and more countries are forced to ally with one side or another, each gaining more power by the second.
Now, all the Animas of their country must show their flag and their countries animal, and take control to fight back and keep their country safe. Betrayal, Friendship, and Romance all play a part in their lives, for they are up against something they were never prepared for.
Who will win World War 3?
This is Animas: The Red Dawn.
P L O T | S U M M A R Y/I N F O R M A T I O N:
So; this could be thought of as similar to the anime Hetalia, but really, it's quite different. It's about countries going against eachother for power, and each country has a protector/guide, called an Anima. Each Anima wears it's country's colors and it's country's animal, having resemblance to the most popular or well known animal to the area.
Anwyway, so, Russia's Anima has decided he wants to take over and gain power, so he is going all around Europe recruiting countries... by force and by treaty. He has recruited China, Germany, Japan, North Korea, Cuba, Poland, Austria, and other countries on the borderline of Russia and throughout Europe. It's main enemy, America, has also teamed up with England, Mexico, India, Brazil, Ireland, France, and Spain. Their Animas don't intend on being dominated by a bunch of dictator ships and power hungry countries.
So, the personal events of the story will be discussed when we have country Anima positions filled. Please read on if interested!
A N I M A S:
So, Animas are the protector/spirit of their country, passed down from descendant to descendant of true country blood. As of now, the Animas of the countries world wide are younger then the last, in their twenties, late teens. They are to protect their country; and have much influence over the government. Russia, for instance, their Anima is their government, almost similar with China and Germany. Each Anima has a special animal they can turn into and often wears symbols or things to show off their country/animal. The animal must be popular and native to their country.
Animas are the only characters going to be used in this roleplay. So no need for other descriptions.
C H A R A C T E R S / C O U N T R I E S:
Russia's Team:
R U S S I A: -Reserved-
C HI N A: -Reserved-
G E R M A N Y: -Open-
J A P A N: -Open-
N. K O R E A: -Open-
I R A N: -Open-
America's Team:
A M E R I C A: -Open-
E N G L A N D: -Reserved-
M E X I C O: -Open-
C A N A D A: -Open-
F R A N C E: -Open-
I N D I A: -Open-
Character sheets must be detailed and informative; otherwise, I won't accept. Include good descriptions of Appearance, Personality, And History please.
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/_XNT8Gn92nc/viewtopic.php
mega millions emma stone texas longhorns texas longhorns bill maher francesca woodman kennedy center honors
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