Support Groups
Bereavement Support Group
Adults: Thursdays, 5:30 p.m.
Children & Adolescents: 5:30 p.m. by appointment only. Call for appointment.
Willis-Knighton Medical Center
Hospice Family Room
3300 Albert L. Bicknell Drive Suite 3
Heart to Heart ? Women?s Cardiac Support Group
For women with heart-related illness.
FREE. Reservations requested.
Thursday, April 5, 12 noon
Facilitated by Dot Quigley, RN, Cardiac Rehab
Willis-Knighton Medical Center
WK Health & Fitness Center, 2474 Greenwood Road
Guest Speaker: Merikay Ringer, PhD, or Susan Miller, spokespersons from WomenHeart, The National Coalition of Women with Heart Disease.
Thursday, April 12, 11 a.m.
Facilitated by Rhonda Curtis, RN, Cardiac Rehab
WK Bossier Health Center
WK Bossier Wellness Center, Cardiac Rehab Education Room, 2450 Hospital Drive
Guest Speaker: Susan Miller, spokesperson from WomenHeart,The National Coalition of Women with Heart Disease.
Thursday, April 19, 12 noon
Facilitated by Nicole Caloway, Exercise Specialist
WK Pierremont Health Center
8001 Youree Drive, Second Floor Conference Room
Guest Speaker: Merikay Ringer, PhD, or Susan Miller, spokespersons from WomenHeart, The National Coalition of Women with Heart Disease.
Multiple Sclerosis Support Group
Conducted by Willis-Knighton Physical Medicine
& Rehabilitation Institute
Tuesday, April 3, 6 p.m.
Willis-Knighton Medical Center
Kerlin Memorial Conference Center in Steen-Hall, 2611 Greenwood Road
For people with multiple sclerosis, family members and caregivers.
FREE. Reservations requested.
Stroke Support Group
Conducted by Willis-Knighton Physical Medicine
& Rehabilitation Institute
Tuesday, April 10, 2 p.m.
Willis-Knighton Medical Center
Kerlin Memorial Conference Center in Steen-Hall, 2611 Greenwood Rd.
For people who have experienced a stroke, family members and caregivers. Guest Speaker: Vickie Rech. Topic: Estate Planning.
FREE. Reservations requested.
Fibromyalgia Support Group
Conducted by Willis-Knighton Physical Medicine
& Rehabilitation Institute
Tuesday, April 17, 12 noon
Willis-Knighton Medical Center
Kerlin Memorial Conference Center in Steen-Hall 2611 Greenwood Road
For people with fibromyalgia, family members and caregivers. Topic: ?Managing Fibromyalgia? by the Mayo Clinic.
FREE. Reservations requested.
Lymphedema Support Group
Conducted by Willis-Knighton Physical Medicine
& Rehabilitation Institute
Monday, April 23, 12 noon
Willis-Knighton Medical Center
WK Spine Institute, 2403 Greenwood Road
For people with lymphedema, family members and caregivers.
FREE. Reservations requested.
Cancer Education & Support
Willis-Knighton Cancer Center
2600 Kings Highway
Fourth Floor Education Center
General Cancer Support Group
Conducted by Jennifer L. Hesser, LPC, LMFT
Tuesdays, 12 noon
A cancer diagnosis is very traumatic for patients, families and friends. This group is designed to help patients and their loved ones discuss the emotional challenges and other concerns often faced by patients with cancer.
FREE, lunch provided. Reservations required, space limited.
Look Good, Feel Better
Conducted by the American Cancer Society
and Cosmetologists
Monday, April 2, 11:30 a.m.
A two-hour, hands-on workshop, which includes a 12-step skin care/make-up application lesson, demonstration of options for dealing with hair loss and nail care techniques. Participants also use and take home complimentary cosmetic kits in their appropriate skin tones with helpful instruction booklets.
FREE, lunch provided. Reservations required, space limited.
Feeling Better By Eating Right: Education in Nutrition
Conducted by Linda Marion, MA, RD, LDN
Wednesday, April 4, 12 noon
This class is designed to assist patients and caregivers in finding resources and information on foods as well as general nutrition information that will be of value before, during and after cancer treatment.
FREE, lunch provided. Reservations required, space limited.
Cancer Pain & Fatigue Educational Group
Conducted by Jennifer Edwards, RN
Wednesday, April 11, 12 noon
This group provides cancer patients and their loved ones resources and information on pain and fatigue that will be of value during and after treatment. Patients and caregivers also have the opportunity to discuss their concerns of pain and fatigue with knowledgeable healthcare professionals.
FREE, lunch provided. Reservations required, space limited.
Man to Man: Prostate Educational Group
Conducted by Julie Hartley, RD, LDN
Wednesday, April 18, 12 noon
This educational workshop gives cancer patients and their loved ones information on prostate related issues that will be of value before, during and after cancer treatment. Patients and caregivers also will have the opportunity to discuss their concerns with knowledgeable healthcare professionals.
FREE, lunch provided. Reservations required, space limited.
Community Education At Our Hospitals
WK Bossier Joint Replacement Camp
Conducted by Willis-Knighton Physical Medicine
& Rehabilitation Institute
Tuesday, April 3, 9 a.m.
WK Bossier Health Center
2400 Hospital Drive, Conference Room B
This class is for patients who are scheduled for total hip or total knee replacement surgery or who are seriously considering surgery in the near future. The class provides patient education regarding the hospital experience for a total hip or total knee replacement surgery.
FREE. Reservations required, space limited.
Shaking the Sodium from Your Diet and Thriving with Cardiopulmonary Disease
An informative seminar that addresses the needs of people who are experiencing heart failure,
or signs and symptoms of chronic cardiopulmonary disease.
FREE. Reservations requested.
Thursday, April 12, 10 a.m.
Facilitated by Lesa Warren, RN, Cardiac Rehab and Leah Walker, RD, LDN
WK Bossier Health Center
2400 Hospital Drive, Auditorium
Tuesday, April 17, 2 p.m.
Facilitated by Dot Quigley, RN, Cardiac Rehab and Stephanie Bryson, MS, RD, LDN
WK Diabetes and Nutrition Center.
Willis-Knighton Medical Center
WK Health & Fitness Center, 2474 Greenwood Road
Wednesday, April 18, 1 p.m.
Facilitated by Lana Ethridge, RNC, Cardiac Rehab and Julie Hartley, RD, LDN
WK Diabetes and Nutrition Center.
WK Pierremont Health Center
8001 Youree Drive, Women?s Center First Floor Conference Room
AHA Healthcare Provider CPR Class ? Renewal
Friday, April 13, 8 a.m. to 12 noon
Friday, April 20, 8 a.m. to 12 noon
WK Career Institute
2401 Bessie St.
This course is designed for licensed or registered healthcare providers or those with comparable work experience who have previously attended a CPR course. It includes the most recent American Heart Association guidelines, materials and content. Provider cards are issued upon successful completion of the course. A book may be checked out from the WK Career Institute. A study guide is available on the WKHS website.
Cost: $35 (nonrefundable). Reservations requested.
WK Pierremont Joint Replacement Camp
Conducted by Willis-Knighton Physical Medicine
& Rehabilitation Institute
Tuesday, April 17, 9 a.m.
WK Pierremont Health Center
8001 Youree Drive, Second Floor Conference Center
This class is for patients who are scheduled for total hip or total knee replacement surgery or who are seriously considering surgery in the near future. The class provides patient education regarding the hospital experience for a total hip or total knee replacement surgery.
FREE. Reservations required, space limited.
Super Sitters Babysitting Course
Presented by Pam Rosett, RN
Saturday, April 21, 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
WK Career Institute
2401 Bessie Street
An informative seminar for boys and girls 11 years old and older who want to learn the basics of babysitting. The course includes CPR instruction, First-Aid, infant and child development and babysitting techniques. Fire and personal safety instruction provided by the Shreveport Fire Department and the Caddo Parish Sheriff?s Office.
Cost: $40, includes materials, lunch and refreshments. Reservations required, space limited.
?WK Quit? ? A Freedom from Smoking Program
Monday, April 30, 4 p.m.
WK Health and Fitness Center
2474 Greenwood Road
Facilitated by Tim Smith, Med, RCEP
A group behavioral change program that meets weekly for one hour for four to five sessions. Program addresses readiness, preparation, actually quitting and relapse prevention.
Cost: $50. Reservations requested.
Classes for Parents-To-Be and Grandparents
Caring For Your Newborn
Presented by Donna Yates, RN, CBC, ICCE, IBCLC
Prenatal Instructor
Babies do not come with instructions. This class is a guide to your personal journey of caring for your newborn.
Cost: $20, includes meal and materials. Reservations required, space limited.
Tuesday, April 3, 6 p.m.
WK Pierremont Health Center
8001 Youree Drive, Auditorium
Tuesday, April 10, 6 p.m.
WK Bossier Health Center
2400 Hospital Drive, Auditorium
Feeding Your Baby ? Benefits
and Effects of Breastfeeding
Presented by Donna Yates, RN, CBC, ICCE, IBCLC
Prenatal Instructor
Learn about breastfeeding and how it can enhance the overall well-being of your baby.
Cost: $20, includes meal and materials. Reservations required, space limited.
Monday, April 16, 6 p.m.
Willis-Knighton South
2510 Bert Kouns Industrial Loop, Auditorium
Monday, April 23, 6 p.m.
WK Bossier Health Center
2400 Hospital Drive, Auditorium
Monday, April 30, 6 p.m.
WK Pierremont Health Center
8001 Youree Drive, Auditorium
Build A Better Body For Your Baby
Presented by Marietta Shepherd, PT, and Carla Thrash, RD, LDN
The class will prepare you for the physical and emotional changes you will experience. Proper nutrition, exercise and lifestyle changes are thoroughly discussed.
FREE, includes snack and materials. Reservations required, space limited.
Thursday, April 26, 6 p.m.
WK Pierremont Health Center
8001 Youree Drive
Second Floor Conference Room
Grandparents Class
Presented by Donna Yates, RN, CBC, ICCE, IBCLC
The class will provide updated information on newborn care, safety in the home and emergency procedures.
FREE, includes snack. Reservations required, space limited.
Saturday, April 28, 9 a.m.
WK Bossier Health Center
2400 Hospital Drive, Auditorium
Insight and Understanding
University at the Oaks
Guest Instructor: Cheryl White, PhD, LSUS history professor
Monday, April 2, 4:30 p.m.
Alta and John Franks Community Centre
Features: ongoing seminar on ?Ancient Civilizations?
FREE. Registration required.
Book Review: Caleb?s Crossing
Guest Speaker: Gale Bridger, PhD
Tuesday, April 10, 3 p.m.
Chapel at The Oaks
Features: Geraldine Brooks? novel about a young man from Martha?s Vineyard that becomes
the first Native American to graduate from Harvard College.
FREE. Registration required.
The History of Jazz
Guest instructor/performers: James Willett and the C.E. Byrd High School Jazz Band
Tuesday, April 3, 10:30 a.m.
Alta and John Franks Community Centre
FREE. Registration required.
Warm Season Vegetable Planting
Guest Speaker: Joe White, PhD
Saturday, April 14, 1:30 p.m.
Alta and John Franks Community Centre
Features: noted horticulturist Joe White, who will give tips on planting vegetables during the warm
season as well as discuss soil preparation and other gardening topics.
FREE. Registration required.
Container Gardening and How to Care for Bromeliads: Growing and Transplanting
Guest Speakers: Master Gardeners Judy Toth and Bridget Nicholson
Sunday, April 15, 1:30 p.m.
Alta and John Franks Community Centre
Features: Master Gardeners Judy Toth and Bridget Nicholson, who will share their secrets to
successful container gardening and growing bromeliads.
FREE. Registration required.
Garden Party at The Oaks
Saturday & Sunday, April 14 & 15, 1:30 to 4 p.m.
The Oaks of Louisiana
Features: campuswide garden party at Louisiana?s premier active adult lifestyle. Tours of the community?s living options
- Tower at The Oaks, Garden Apartments at The Oaks, Savannah at The Oaks and Health Center at Live Oak ? will be
given. MarketPlace at The Oaks will be open during the event.
FREE. Registration is required.
Fit for Gardening Exercise Class
Instructor: Holly Winterrowd, certified fitness instructor and manager of the Tower Spa & Wellness Center.
Wednesday, April 18, 3 p.m.
Tower at The Oaks, Wellness Center
Features: exercises using all the muscles used during gardening as gardeners bend, squat and reach.
FREE. Registration required, space limited.
Spiritual Pathways: What is Taoism?
Wednesday, April 18, 4 p.m.
Chapel at The Oaks
Guest Speaker: David Otto, PhD, director of Centenary College religion department
Features: discussion on Chinese religion and philosphy.
FREE. Registration is required.
The Life of Irving Berlin
Guest Speaker: Maredia Bowdon
Saturday, April 21, 4 p.m.
Tower at the Oaks, Ballroom
Features: lecture on one of America?s greatest songwriters known for ?Easter Parade? and ?White Christmas,?
among others.
FREE. Registration is required.
HealthWise with Willis-Knighton Home Health
Guest Speaker: Shane Pilkington, O.T.
Tuesday, April 24, 10 a.m.
Alta and John Franks Community Centre
Features: a program on fall prevention.
FREE. Registration is required.
Muscles with the Maestro
Guest Conductors: Maestro Michael Butterman, conductor of the Shreveport Symphony, and Steve Aiken,
general/artistic director of the Shreveport Opera
Tuesday, April 24, 2:30 p.m.
Alta and John Franks Community Centre
Features: an innovative cardio workout that combines music appreciation with conducting.
FREE. Registration is required.
Global Gourmet: New England Cuisine
Guest Instructor: Matt Conover, Tower at The Oaks executive chef
Wednesday, April 25, 4 p.m.
Tower at The Oaks Ballroom
Features: a cooking demonstration and tasting.
Cost: $10. Registration required.
Well Worth It Series
Guest Speaker: Ernie Roberson
Friday, April 27, 3:30 p.m.
Alta and John Franks Community Centre
Features: a lecture on the history of Shreveport by Caddo Parish?s Registrar of Voters.
FREE. Registration is required.
Discussion Leader: Larry Williams, Broadmoor Baptist
Thursday, April 12, 10:30 a.m.
Alta and John Franks Community Centre
FREE. Registration is required.
Discussion Leader: John Harrison, deacon, Broadmoor Baptist Church
Thursday, April 26, 10:30 a.m.
Chapel Annex
FREE. Registration is required.
Bible Study
Discussion Leader: Larry Williams, Broadmoor Baptist Church
Wednesdays, 10 a.m.
Tower at The Oaks Ballroom
Features: ?The Beauty of the Psalm,? a study of the longest book of the Bible, containing 150 individual psalms
written by many different people.
FREE. Registration is required.
Discussion Leader: Rev. Andrew Comeaux, director of spiritual life services, The Oaks of Louisiana
Thursdays, 2:30 p.m.
Alta and John Franks Community Centre
Features: a study of Beth Moore?s ?To Live is Christ?
FREE. Registration is required.
Spiritual Services
Chapel at The Oaks
The multifaith spiritual activities at The Oaks of Louisiana and the Chapel at The Oaks are open to all who wish to be a part of a meaningful experience. The Rev. Andrew Comeaux, director of spiritual life services, and Mickie Cowan, Live Oak chaplain, work with volunteer clergy and lay leaders from throughout the community to create a variety of worship opportunities at the Chapel at The Oaks. Details about these services can be found under Classes and Events at wkhs.com. No reservations are required.
Catholic Mass
Mondays, 9:30 a.m.
April 2 & 16: Rev. Phil Michiels, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
April 9, 23 & 30: Rev. Murray Clayton, retired Catholic priest
Communion Services
April 1, 10:30 a.m.: Rev. Andrew Comeaux, director of spiritual life services
April 2, 3:30 p.m.: Rev. Canon Rowena White, St. Mark?s Episcopal Cathedral
April 9, 3:30 p.m.: Multifaith Communion, First United Methodist Church-Shreveport
April 16, 3:30 p.m.: Rev. Paul Martin, St. Paul?s Episcopal Church
Sunday Services
10:30 a.m.
April 1, 8 & 15: Rev. Andrew Comeaux, director of spiritual life services
April 22: Rev. Guido Verbeck, retired Episcopal priest
April 29: Rev. Conrad Edwards, First United Methodist Church
Thursdays, 6 p.m., Community Centre
April 5: Holy/Maundy Thursday Service (this special communion service will be in the Chapel)
April 12: Rev. Carl Rhoads, First United Methodist Church
April 19: The Norman Family Singers
April 26: Rev. Bryan McDowell, First Presbyterian Church-Shreveport
Good Friday Service
Friday, April 6, 10:30 a.m., Chapel
Prayer & Healing Service
Fridays, 10:45 a.m., Chapel
Scripture, teaching and prayer of healing with Rev. Andrew Comeaux
*Due to the Good Friday Service there will be no Prayer & Healing Service on Friday, April 6.
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